College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


20 of 22 results

Welcome, new faculty!

CEHD is pleased to announce several new faculty members joining the college

CEHD faculty members

Honoring Dr. Josie R. Johnson’s U of M legacy

Civil rights icon helped steer the course of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the U, and CEHD is committed to expand upon the efforts she began in the college by increasing the number of Common Ground Consortium Scholars.

Helping girls reach their full athletic potential

Last year saw the celebration of a half-century of the impact of Title IX, passed into law on June 23, 1972. Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or educational setting that receives government funds. The passage of the act led...

Coaching HER banner of athletes high fiving.

Promoting cultural and academic exchange

The US Fulbright program has promoted cultural and academic exchange through its various grants for over 75 years. The program provides awards to approximately 8,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals each year from the United..

Imelda Marisol Rivas Diaz at University of Minnesota sign

New faces on campus

CEHD is welcoming one of its largest cohorts of new faculty members beginning this fall. We are proud to introduce them and look forward to the insights and expertise they will
bring to our college.

New CEHD staff in fall 2022

Keeping on the cutting edge

To meet the needs of today’s students in an ever-changing world means always keeping a vigilant eye on the latest developments across all academic disciplines. CEHD is proud to announce several new programs and degrees designed to keep our...

Kyle Abatto, Emily Bellinger, and Megan Goeke

Advocating for women in sport

From under- and misrepresentation of women’s sport and sportswomen, to underrepresentation of women leaders in sport, to participation disparities, gender-related inequities are commonplace in athletics. For nearly 30 years, scholars in the Tucker...

Tucker Center Intern Maxine Simons (left) with Center Director Nicole M. LaVoi

Alumni profile: a coach is first and foremost an educator

In the fall of 1973, Terry Ganley set foot on the University of Minnesota grounds as a freshman. “My home was in North Minneapolis and I took the MTC number five bus to downtown Minneapolis and transferred to the number 16 bus to campus,” she says...

Terry Ganley

Talking about activism and empowerment in sports

Tucker Center Talks is a popular podcast presented by the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport. Now in its third year, the podcast, co-sponsored by WiSP Sports, features invited guests, timely critiques, the latest research, and...

A person holding a respect my existence sign

McKnight Professorships recognize influential early career work

The goal of the McKnight Land-Grant Professorship is to advance the careers of new assistant professors at a crucial point in their professional lives. The goal of this award is to advance the careers of new assistant professors at a crucial point...

Sarah Greising and Sylia Wilson