
CEHD Connect special issue: Racism, Resilience, and Resolve
This collection of stories and commentaries contains reflections and reactions offered in the wake of the killing of St. Louis Park resident George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Generated by CEHD alumni, students, faculty, and staff, the contributions explore themes of lived experiences, resilience, caring for our community, and commitment and action pulled from a special issue of Connect magazine dedicated to all the victims and survivors of systemic racism and police brutality—those whose names are known and those whose names are unknown.
“Let’s continue our fight each and every one till the dust settles and we chant in unison we are all equal! as one soul, one nation!”
-Sanghamitra Chaudhuri, ’11 PhD

“I congratulate those who are leading this fight against police aggression and brutality.”
-Don Vanouse, ’71 English Education
No more silence
Shamaria Jordan, Youth Development Leadership student
There is so much push back about the riots and unrest across the country because of the injustices against African Americans and other people of Color within America. In 2019, police around the country killed 1,098 people. Black people were 24 percent of those killings despite only being 13 percent of the population, according to Mapping Police Violence. We are done being silent, and it shows that our riots and unrest have made law makers and politicians actually step up to the plate and hold the police force accountable. We tried the silence with peaceful protesting after the death of Jamar Clark, but no longer. NO MORE SILENCE.
“Shocking. Sad. Morally poor. Horrible event. Lost life and call for correction in policing.”
-David Legan, ’83 Social studies

Guest Editors:
Saida Abdi | Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Nina Asher | Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Stefanie L. Marshall | Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Tania D. Mitchell | Associate Professor, Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
Top Splash Image: Hannan WazWaz, Photo Cluster (L-R) – Photos 1 and 2: Hannan WazWaz, Photo 3: Fatou Berry, Photos 4 and 5: Shelby Weisen, Photo 6: Shamira Jordan, Photo 7: Nate Whittaker