College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


20 of 22 results

Promoting cultural and academic exchange

The US Fulbright program has promoted cultural and academic exchange through its various grants for over 75 years. The program provides awards to approximately 8,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals each year from the United..

Imelda Marisol Rivas Diaz at University of Minnesota sign

A champion for inclusion

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher asked me to work with one of my peers with autism, Vince. So, I left class during nap time to work on writing with Vince. He and I played games on dry erase boards and spent quality time together. Ever since...

New faces on campus

CEHD is welcoming one of its largest cohorts of new faculty members beginning this fall. We are proud to introduce them and look forward to the insights and expertise they will
bring to our college.

New CEHD staff in fall 2022

Keeping on the cutting edge

To meet the needs of today’s students in an ever-changing world means always keeping a vigilant eye on the latest developments across all academic disciplines. CEHD is proud to announce several new programs and degrees designed to keep our...

Kyle Abatto, Emily Bellinger, and Megan Goeke

Student teachers rise to the challenges of the pandemic

“During the COVID-19 pandemic teachers from the U have been incredible,” says Ruth Krider, a second-grade teacher and mentor in the St. Paul Public Schools. “I’m using the term co-teachers, because that’s what they have proven to be: professional...

Teacher and student

Teaming up to increase psychology’s diversity

The Teacher Educator Technology Integration (TETI) program equips educators with skills to seamlessly integrate technology in classrooms, enhancing teaching practices.The effort was the brainchild of the chairs of the three departments several...

A group of University students

Called to serve

Certain people we meet in our careers leave an indelible impression. For Emeritus Professor Frank Wood—and many others across CEHD, the University, and state of Minnesota, Frank Wilderson is that colleague. “Frank was the first Black tenure-track...

Frank B. Wilderson, Jr.

Helping schools overcome COVID-related equity issues

In the midst of a pandemic and a long-brewing social reckoning, researchers from the Department of Educational Psychology saw a pragmatic opportunity to apply their expertise in helping schools inject equity into their student support structures...

official newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.