College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


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Instilling the love of scientific inquiry

As Institute of Child Development (ICD) Professor Melissa Koenig tells the story, the program came about for two reasons. Having just returned energized from a sabbatical in 2017, she and her son began mentoring a fourth-grade student from North...

Innovative institute for brain development now open

The new Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain (MIDB) is now open and ready to lead the way in understanding how young brains develop and apply that knowledge during the age periods when the biggest difference can be made.

Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain (MIDB)

Teaming up to increase psychology’s diversity

The Teacher Educator Technology Integration (TETI) program equips educators with skills to seamlessly integrate technology in classrooms, enhancing teaching practices.The effort was the brainchild of the chairs of the three departments several...

A group of University students