College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


40 of 45 results

Teaming up to increase psychology’s diversity

The Teacher Educator Technology Integration (TETI) program equips educators with skills to seamlessly integrate technology in classrooms, enhancing teaching practices.The effort was the brainchild of the chairs of the three departments several...

A group of University students

Giving Matters: helping children pursue their dreams

For 12 years, Andre Dukes, MA ’ , has been working in North Minneapolis on issues of child development, and on child welfare issues more broadly since 2006. Currently, he serves as the vice president of family and community impact for the Northside...

Andre Dukes

Closing the disparity gap in education

While listing to public radio a few years ago, David Perrin, MSW ’76, heard that African Americans, men in particular, were 38 percent less likely to drop out of school in the fourth through sixth grade if they had a teacher of color. He found this...

Called to serve

Certain people we meet in our careers leave an indelible impression. For Emeritus Professor Frank Wood—and many others across CEHD, the University, and state of Minnesota, Frank Wilderson is that colleague. “Frank was the first Black tenure-track...

Frank B. Wilderson, Jr.

Helping schools overcome COVID-related equity issues

In the midst of a pandemic and a long-brewing social reckoning, researchers from the Department of Educational Psychology saw a pragmatic opportunity to apply their expertise in helping schools inject equity into their student support structures...

official newspaper of the National Association of School Psychologists.

Creating a culture of inclusion

Professors Gillian Roehrig and Keisha Varma from CEHD are leading an initiative to increase diversity in the STEM fields as part of a $26 million National Science Foundation grant awarded to the U. The grant is to establish the Engineering...

A group meeting

MN Legislature approves funding for new ICD building

The Minnesota Legislature has passed a bonding bill that includes funding to construct a new building for our Institute of Child Development (ICD). It took many months of debate, but the Minnesota House passed the $1.36 billion bill on a 100-34 vote..

People inside a building

McKnight Professorships recognize influential early career work

The goal of the McKnight Land-Grant Professorship is to advance the careers of new assistant professors at a crucial point in their professional lives. The goal of this award is to advance the careers of new assistant professors at a crucial point...

Sarah Greising and Sylia Wilson