College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


20 of 24 results

Advancing black intellectualism

Among Dr. Josie R. Johnson’s greatest achievements at the University of Minnesota was the founding of the Common Ground Consortium (CGC). Through the guidance of Dr. Johnson, then-dean William Gardner, and Professor Jean King, the CGC was...

Essie Johnson leading a meeting

Minnesota’s first lady of civil rights

By the time she arrived at the University of Minnesota in an official capacity in the late 1960s, Josie R. Johnson already had an extensive and impressive resume. She began early as an active participant in the civil rights movement while still a...

Dr. Josie R. Johnson

Honoring Dr. Josie R. Johnson’s U of M legacy

Civil rights icon helped steer the course of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the U, and CEHD is committed to expand upon the efforts she began in the college by increasing the number of Common Ground Consortium Scholars.

FSOS grad student leads international initiative in Liberia

Zamzam Dini, a Family Social Science (FSOS) doctoral student specializing in Couple and Family Therapy, flexed her clinical practitioner skills in Liberia last summer by leading workshops for parents and young women on healthy relationships....

Zamzam Dini (second from right) with members of the Organization for Women Empowerment NGO.

New faces on campus

CEHD is welcoming one of its largest cohorts of new faculty members beginning this fall. We are proud to introduce them and look forward to the insights and expertise they will
bring to our college.

New CEHD staff in fall 2022

CEHD’s Cambodian connections

In January 2018, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Associate Professor Vichet Chhuon, International Initiatives and Relations Director Marina Aleixo, and Department of Family Social Science Professor Catherine Solheim traveled to Cambodia...

Giving Matters: easing financial anxiety

Yiting Li, a PhD student in the Department of Family Social Science, has focused her research on financial anxiety, especially for couples. A paper she wrote on the subject: “A Decade Review of Publications in Family Financial Socialization, Young...

YiTing Li

Looking through a different lens

Each year the U.S. hosts more than 1 million international students, and Minnesota is a top destination. International students have always been central to global diplomacy and internationalization efforts in higher education. The first...

Dean Michael C. Rodriguez (middle) enjoys dinner and meeting new CEHD international students at the event.

Enhancing understanding of the world

In designing graduate student programs, CEHD engages partnerships where students can build professional skills and support local areas at the same time. “Central to our work is a deep commitment to supporting student learning while engaging local...

A sack game was part of sports day at a local Bamenda community school in 2017