College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


10 of 30 results

ICD: A century of advancing developmental science

In 2025, the Institute of Child Development (ICD) celebrates its Centennial—a century of leading the field of developmental science and advancing discoveries that have improved children’s wellbeing across the world.

Asset reference
CEHD Connect W2025, alumni magazine

This is why I give: Ann Masten

We’re all familiar with stories focused on overcoming adversity. Movies, books, and even LinkedIn posts frequently narrate how an individual beat the odds to win the big game, leave a troubled relationship, or start a business.

Asset reference
CEHD Connect W2025, alumni magazine

International faculty, diverse perspectives

International faculty have expanded our understanding of the world. They bring expertise, diverse teaching methods, and global mindsets to our intellectual communities.

Asset reference
CEHD Connect W2025, alumni magazine

A letter from the Dean: Winter 2025

Most of the time when we think of a milestone, we view it as the completion of a task or reaching a desired point. And as we celebrate that achievement, we often overlook that a milestone is not the destination.

dean at library

This is why I give

According to the U.S. Department of Education, all 50 states reported a teacher shortage in more than one area for the 2022-23 school year...

Capturing the complexity of early learning

Center for Early Education and Development leads effort to update Minnesota’s learning guidelines for young children
Every state has its own early learning guidelines for preschoolers and most have early learning guidelines for infants and toddlers.

Equitable development for all children

Norwood Glaspie has always been curious about how children acquire and process information, how they learn from their social environments, and how social and cognitive factors interact in shaping their development.

Reflecting on Cambodia

In January 2024, nine CEHD faculty traveled to Southeast Asia to learn and engage with partners in the Kingdom of Cambodia. International Faculty Delegations are part of recent efforts by the Office of International Initiatives to promote cultural...

Group sitting by the river at sunset

Providing care from afar

One of the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic was the adoption of telecommunications in numerous areas of society. Communication via screen has been available for some time, of course, but the pandemic brought on its use with greater urgency...

Mother with infant on laptop for telehealth