College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


20 of 30 results

Welcome, new faculty!

CEHD is pleased to announce several new faculty members joining the college

CEHD faculty members

‘A powerful experience’

A sold-out crowd of more than 400 educational leaders from across the state packed the McNamara Alumni Center in early August for the second annual Leading in Equity, Action, and Diversity (LEAD) for PreK-12 System Improvement conference. Each one...

Audience at LEAD conference

Honoring Dr. Josie R. Johnson’s U of M legacy

Civil rights icon helped steer the course of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the U, and CEHD is committed to expand upon the efforts she began in the college by increasing the number of Common Ground Consortium Scholars.

Promoting cultural and academic exchange

The US Fulbright program has promoted cultural and academic exchange through its various grants for over 75 years. The program provides awards to approximately 8,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals each year from the United..

Imelda Marisol Rivas Diaz at University of Minnesota sign

Community-engaged prevention and intervention

I felt my heart race as I read through the English vocabulary describing posttraumatic stress and related symptoms in the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children. I was unsure if my translation would accurately capture my client’s posttraumatic...

Jasmine Banegas

In support of equity and diversity

Recognizing the need to embed diversity and equality throughout its programming, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) established a Race, Equity, and Justice Council (REJC) in 2019. The council was formed through the combination of...

Lesa Clarkson

Speaking tradition

A group of six preschoolers chatter excitedly as they settle into a circle to begin their morning. The beat of a drum starts a series of songs, and the children join in, taking turns saying their names and sharing how they’re feeling today...

Circle time

Introducing Campbell Hall

High amongst the trees, light streams through floor-to-ceiling glass walls, illuminating cozy seating areas where students scout out a spot to study. Students bound up and down the wide, open staircase as they go from classrooms to research labs...

The Carmen D. and James R. Campbell Hall is the new home of the Institute of Child Development

New faces on campus

CEHD is welcoming one of its largest cohorts of new faculty members beginning this fall. We are proud to introduce them and look forward to the insights and expertise they will
bring to our college.

New CEHD staff in fall 2022

Student teachers rise to the challenges of the pandemic

“During the COVID-19 pandemic teachers from the U have been incredible,” says Ruth Krider, a second-grade teacher and mentor in the St. Paul Public Schools. “I’m using the term co-teachers, because that’s what they have proven to be: professional...

Teacher and student