College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


10 of 33 results

CISC: A conversation with the president

The CEHD International Student Community (CISC) was founded in 2022 by Satomi Mitani, a PhD student from Japan in the comparative and international development education (CIDE) program...

Asset reference
CEHD Connect W2025, alumni magazine

Helping people reach their potential

Sophomore Tammy Liu says human resource development (HRD) intrigues her because it essentially focuses on empowering people to reach their potential. “I have always loved the idea of being able to make a meaningful impact by helping...

Asset reference
CEHD Connect W2025, alumni magazine

From Minnesota to Brazil

Historically, study abroad has not been designed with low income, first-generation, and Indigenous students as its audience...

A letter from the Dean: Fall 2024

Excitement is in the air across campus and within CEHD. The new academic year has begun and there is great anticipation for the possibilities...

dean at library

Working for the Northside

The Northside Job Creation Team (NJCT) has a clear-cut goal: to help bring sustainable jobs to North Minneapolis that pay a living wage and offer decent benefits. So far, it has succeeded in its task, and it wants to make sure that success...

North Minneapolis art on building

Reflecting on Cambodia

In January 2024, nine CEHD faculty traveled to Southeast Asia to learn and engage with partners in the Kingdom of Cambodia. International Faculty Delegations are part of recent efforts by the Office of International Initiatives to promote cultural...

Group sitting by the river at sunset

Striving toward educational equity

“The goal for us was to really marry practice and research,” says CEHD’s Executive Director of Educational Leadership Katie Pekel. “By that I mean putting practitioners and researchers in the same place and on a level footing. We know there’s a gap.

LEAD conference audience

Ahead of the pack

As an undergraduate pursuing a business and marketing education (BME) degree, Bryce Kelley knew that he set himself apart. With business and BME majors in abundance, “you end up learning a lot of the same things in the classroom” as other students...

The U of M sales team

Policy breakfast: accountability system for MN schools

In October, CEHD hosted more than 120 educational leaders and policy makers for a Policy Breakfast at the Historic Chateau Theatre in Rochester, Minnesota. University of Minnesota Chancellor Lori J. Carroll welcomed attendees to Rochester and the event.

Panel members at the Policy Breakfast include (left to right) Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Commissioner Willie Jett, CEHD Dean Michael C. Rodriguez, CEHD’s Executive Director of Educational Leadership Katie Pekel, and Superintendent of Rochester Public Schools Kent Pekel