College of Education and Human Development

Connect Magazine


Giving Matters: easing financial anxiety

Yiting Li, a PhD student in the Department of Family Social Science, has focused her research on financial anxiety, especially for couples. A paper she wrote on the subject: “A Decade Review of Publications in Family Financial Socialization, Young...

YiTing Li

A champion of student equity

“When I made the decision to become a teacher, I jumped into the nearest metaphorical closet. The message to me in 1999 was there is no space to be an out teacher. That doesn’t exist.” That’s how Clark Hoelscher (MEd ’04, PhD ’14) describes the...

Clark Hoelscher

Looking through a different lens

Each year the U.S. hosts more than 1 million international students, and Minnesota is a top destination. International students have always been central to global diplomacy and internationalization efforts in higher education. The first...

Dean Michael C. Rodriguez (middle) enjoys dinner and meeting new CEHD international students at the event.

ICI’s inclusive roots

CEHD’s Institute on Community Integration (ICI) adds an often-overlooked dimension to the fight for racial equity. Named and founded on Civil Rights-era principles of breaking down exclusionary barriers, ICI conducts research and provides training...

ICI’s disability research, training, and education rejects all forms of bias and much of its work specifically explores the intersection of race and disability.

Working on the workforce

The world of work is in a state of upheaval thanks to many factors, from COVID-19 and the Great Resignation to generational shifts and technological advances like artificial intelligence. The challenges are interconnected and complex, requiring...

John Bricout

Student teachers rise to the challenges of the pandemic

“During the COVID-19 pandemic teachers from the U have been incredible,” says Ruth Krider, a second-grade teacher and mentor in the St. Paul Public Schools. “I’m using the term co-teachers, because that’s what they have proven to be: professional...

Teacher and student

Elevating the voice of educators

As COVID-19 began upending daily life in earnest in early 2020, uncertainty loomed everywhere. The effect on schools was especially concerning. As schools were pushed to distance learning, educators, students, and parents raised concerns about the...

CEHD researchers sought seek feedback from educators to gain their perspective on distance learning.

Advocating for women in sport

From under- and misrepresentation of women’s sport and sportswomen, to underrepresentation of women leaders in sport, to participation disparities, gender-related inequities are commonplace in athletics. For nearly 30 years, scholars in the Tucker...

Tucker Center Intern Maxine Simons (left) with Center Director Nicole M. LaVoi