The CEHD International Student Community (CISC) was founded in 2022 by Satomi Mitani, a PhD student from Japan in the comparative and international development education (CIDE) program...
The University of Minnesota is celebrating the 150th anniversary of international students on campus. This is an opportunity to reflect on the transformative impact of global engagement on education, research, and service...
International faculty have expanded our understanding of the world. They bring expertise, diverse teaching methods, and global mindsets to our intellectual communities.
Devon Minke teaches third grade at North Park School for Innovation in Columbia Heights. Prior to joining Black Men Teach, he was a college student at Minnesota State University Mankato pursuing a degree in elementary education...
Every child deserves an excellent education, yet Minnesota’s graduation gap between Black and White students ranks among the worst in the United States. David Perrin (MSW ‘76) and Margaret Hustad-Perrin (MD ‘76)...
Black Men Teach and the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) aim to make Minnesota schools more reflective of their students.
Since she was young, Karina Elze (MEd ’16) always wanted to have her own business. “I love creating, taking risks, and I get bored if I stay in the same position too long," she says...